Handling Retries When Sending Files in Go: Lessons Learned
Why I Switched from Makefile to Taskfile
The value of API-First design on side-projects
Inside EKS Networking: Decoding the Service IP Journey
How to Structure a Go Project: Start Simple, Refactor Later
This is how you want to manage your Terraform modules
Go templates: customize your output using templates
A deep dive to Canary Deployments with Flagger, NGINX and Linkerd on Kubernetes
Terraform: why data sources and filters are preferable over remote state
Practical unit-testing web client in Go - part 2
Practical unit-testing web client in Go
How to use SED in a Jenkins Pipeline
How to share persistent storage volumes in Swarm
Docker healthcheck experiments with Go web app
How can Stackoverflow make you a better developer
nginx config template with environment vars
If you don't use a secret management tool, you're doing it wrong
Go's method receiver: Pointer vs Value
How to run your own docker registry with password, SSL and S3 backend